BECOME A Sponsor
How To Get Involved
Product Donation
Our homes showcase the most innovative products and technologies in the green building industry. To see our vision through, we rely on the support of industry leaders to provide state-of-the-art products in-kind or at a significant discount. We look for partners in all areas of building technology, photovoltaics, envelope systems, appliances, home automation, finish products, etc.
For more information, see our product sponsorship packet attached here that outlines the benefits we can provide and the steps to get involved.
Financial Support
Our projects require significant financial support in order to be successful. Funding goes towards construction costs, student travel expenses, education/training, and organization operational costs.
For more information, see our financial sponsorship packet attached here that outlines the benefits we can provide and the steps to get involved.
Every donation makes an impact. We appreciate your support in advancing our mission.